Friday, April 8, 2011

4th Day Adventures

We started the day off with fresh juice and tamales. The school was about a ten minute walk down the road from the bungalows. I was so excited to get to teach and play with the children!
The school was absolutely hectic. Me, Katie and Luke taught English to the 4-6th graders in the morning. They were very well behaved and eager to learn. They told us they want to learn English, dancing, futból, and about animals. Then, the three of us tried to teach the 1-3rd graders but it was a disaster. They were climbing all over us and yelling and fighting and wouldn't listen to us at all. Giving them silly bands was the worst idea ever. They kept trying to eat them and got really mad if another kid had more than them. One of the little girls stole the bag I had and took all of them so I had to sneakily steal them back.
At the corner store down the street from us we saw kids from the school and we picked up supplies. We then went back to the school to clean up the damaged room. We spent 3 hours just cleaning it and taking everything out of the room and into the courtyard. Katie and I swept the place and it was so filthy! We ended up having 10 buckets full of dirt and dust. Stuff was piled all over the room (I'll post pictures on Facebook) and we ended up finding a scorpion under a bunch of posters. Then we found a bag full of old volleyball uniforms which were bright orange and green speedos. We put them on and continued to clean. All the kids and locals who were passing by busted out laughing at us. We did an amazing job getting the project started for the students this summer.
So far my favorite thing about Peru is the food. Which is really really really surprising. I've been eating soooooo healthy. For lunch we had lettuce, hard boiled egg, avocado, potato, and chicken covered in a yellow pepper sauce. It was seriously the most delicious thing I've ever had. For dinner we had chicken noodle soup and some kind of marinated meat over rice. On the side we had mashed potatoes that were very runny because they had a lot of milk in them. We ended the night perfectly with a bonfire by the river and I saw the milky way for the first time.

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