Sunday, April 10, 2011

8th Day Adventures

Today we woke up nice and early to take a van to Cañete. From Cañete we took a charter bus for 3 hours to Lima. We then took a 45 minute taxi ride to the airport. The first thing we did in the airport was get super unhealthy American food: dunkin donuts and papa johns. Then, we sat at starbucks for about an hour because we finally got wifi! Then we had to say goodbye to Pepe which was really sad. We then flew for an hour to Arequipa. Overall it was a very long day of traveling.
We got to our hostel pretty late then went to Crepisimo, a crepe restaurant. Then we tried to go to a discoteca but none were open because it's illegal to serve alcohol on voting weekend. Nothing else really happened except I electrocuted my hand again trying to charge my camera.

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